Primary Force, Ebon Huntress, Magenta Rose, Violet Haze, Azure Maiden, Cyan Aide, Emerald Guardian, Tawny Bimbo, Choral Blush, Tangerine Mistress, Captain Crimson, Chromed Avenger


Primary Force


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Choral Blush's Baby Album


Hi, everyone. Veronika here. Everyone knows how much I love Team Rainbow Super Force. So imagine how thrilled I was to find out about Tanwy Bimbo and Tangerine Mistress were having a child. I mean, that is so awesome. I mean, here I am, a struggling photography student at Sim State University, and they ask if I would like to make an album for them. I was like, "Are you kidding? I'd walk on broken glass to take pictures for you." Well, not really, but you know what I mean. I also asked if I could use this a photo essay for school. I am trying to earn my degree. So, we agreed. I agreed, and they agreed. This is so super.

Okay, so I broke this down into 3 sections. You can choose the sections below and come back here to choose another. Also you can click on each picture to see a larger view. Thanks for viewing this. Tell my professors how great it is.

Choral Blush as a Baby Choral Blush as a Toddler Choral Blush as a Child

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