Primary Force, Ebon Huntress, Magenta Rose, Violet Haze, Azure Maiden, Cyan Aide, Emerald Guardian, Tawny Bimbo, Choral Blush, Tangerine Mistress, Captain Crimson, Chromed Avenger


Primary Force


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East Side Center

East Side Center was designed as a training and development center, not just for members of Team Rainbow Super Force, but also for the community. Although certain areas are, of course, off limits, East Side Center has an open door policy to the community, allowing people to come in off the street and work with Team Rainbow in addressing the issues of the day.


Level 1

East Side Center - Level 1

Level 1 is the main floor of the complex. Focusing, like The Bunker, on the basics of life, food, entertainment, and exercise are all within easy walking distance of each other. The Great Hall is designed to inspire awe and humility among all who enter. A mezzanine at the end of the great hall overlooks all who enter and provides access to the living quarters upstairs.


Level 2

East Side Center - Level 2

Level 2 is the general living quarters for the current Team Rainbow residents. A total of 6 bedrooms all with connecting balcony and direct access to the pool area below.


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